Elegance Boutique

Showcase Website with WordPress and Digital Marketing


Elegance Boutique Sàrl is active in the sale of aesthetic machines. They decided to outsource their digital marketing to us. We created a WordPress website presenting their machines. We then manage the whole digital marketing part of the business on a yearly basis in order to bring them qualitative leads through Facebook and Google campaigns. Our main objective is to use the full potential of digital marketing to develop the company.


There are a number of features to remember. On the website, we have developed a live leasing calculator that tells users how many sessions they would need to make the cost of their machine worthwhile. In terms of digital marketing, we have digitised their entire sales tunnel to centralise information and automate everything that can be done. The whole company uses Asana to track leads, sales, deliveries and various tasks. All our campaigns are linked to Asana through Zapier. This saves them a lot of time. We are pleased to assist Elegance in their great and rapid growth.

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